
All of the inner journey, all of spiritual practice, ultimately comes down to this: that we are able to be genuinely what we are.

(A.H. Almaas)

What I offer:

Get Real (A Weekly Meditation Every Tuesday Evening, 7-8pm BST, online) 

Each Tuesday evening I lead a guided meditation, which includes an extensive body-scan, guided reflections and loving-kindness meditation.

Poems Save Lives (A Monthly Poetry Inspired Reflection & Sharing Space, 7-8.30pm BST, on the first Wed of the month, online).

Once a month I host a space for engaging deeply with life-changing poems in a meditative way. During the session there will space for personal reflection on how the poem speaks to you as well as lots of time for sharing with others in small "break-out rooms".

The suggested donation for both 'Get Real' and 'Poems Save Lives' is between £5 - £10.

If you are interested in joining, please email me at

What I envision is a rebuilding of monasticism without the need for monasteries, a recovery of sacred language without a church in which to use it, an education in the soul that takes place outside of school, the creation of an artful world accomplished by persons who are not artists, the emergence of a psychological sensibility once the discipline of psychology has been forgotten, a life of intense community with no organization to belong to, and achieving a life of soul without having made any progress toward it.

(Thomas Moore)