
Here are what some of my conversation partners have said:

Not long ago, I made the tough decision to leave my corporate job and become an author. It put me in a lonely place and I had few people I could talk to about what I was going through: most career coaches don't speak to the matters of the soul; and therapists don't usually have uniquely insightful advice around things like building a fulfilling career while paying the bills! But talking to Sam, I got all of the above and more. He helped me find a meditation style that worked for me, got me reflecting more about life challenges I'd faced in the past (and continue to work through) and he constantly challenges me to think big and deeply about my day-to-day work, and what's most important for my immediate next step. He's also just a really nice person, who listens without judgement, so our chats have always felt like a breeze rather than a climb. I recommend him without reservation to everyone I know.


I recently learned that in Latin, the word "doctor" translates to "teacher". Earlier this year, once I came to the near end of my (mental) health, Sam came to me as a friendly teacher. Sam has taught me how to be a better friend, to others and most importantly, to myself.


Sam is a thoughtful conversation partner, creating a safe space, and guiding the conversations to get to the core issues. He provided recommendations, tips, and readings to consider in between our sessions which were incredibly insightful and which gave me the tools to continue to work through changes and challenges in my life. I particularly appreciated his ability to 'show me the mirror' and allow me to see myself from another perspective.


Sam asked penetrating questions which helped me go below the superficial and into the grey, often rather murky world of uncertainties where it is so helpful to have a guide along the way.


We had thoroughly enjoyable, deep, rich and free flowing conversations that expanded on my current life journey in unexpected ways, leading me to new insights and greater embodiment. I am too much in my mind, and the initial exercises Sam offered led me into new territory that I would not have necessarily got to if I'd just started talking with a pre-prepared agenda.


I felt very at home with Sam. His openness to collaboration suited me and I found his approach very supportive in my intention to build more fulfilling relationships. It was fantastic to have the space to share a project I'm currently working on, and I came out of our discussion strengthened in my creative ambitions. Through the guided meditations, I was surprised to be accessing some profound insights - which was new information to me, and a resolution to an old situation.


Sam's retreat was a lovely experience that expanded my appreciation for life. Not only did I gain awareness of my self and others, but I also had some wonderful discussions with the retreat community on deep issues that will stay with me for a long time.


This retreat has been a total blessing and a hugely positive experience. Sam is a wonderful leader - very supportive, insightful and professional, and I knew I was in safe hands. The retreat was structured really well, with guided meditations morning and evening, a chance to share insights with the group each day, and themes that developed and challenged as the week progressed. We were invited to slow down, relax, open up, pause, wait, receive and step out during our retreat journey. Sam's amazing poems provided reflective material and we were signposted to other exercises we might like to try. I was invited to join the 'Hold Your Nerve' online retreat at a point when I had just lost the holiday I expected to go on due to the Covid-19 restrictions. I was in a fragile place. I felt supported and that my individual needs were held and valued by the group. A wonderful experience that I would recommend to anyone.


It was a special day and I'm trusting it to mark a turning in my life. I really appreciated the way you listened to me, being present to me, and it was so helpful to feel heard and understood. The day felt relaxed and spacious as well as richly full. It was a well balanced mix of cycles of checking in, input, practicing being present and simply being in each other's company.


I can safely say that my Wandering with Sam will be one of my highlights of 2022 already (having completed it in February). Sam is an excellent guide, and he is extremely thoughtful in his approach to questioning, allowing the day to develop at a gradual pace. A mixture of questions, meditations and guided exercises helped me to process key questions that I had been struggling with and I left the day with a number of insights which allowed me to reflect on the patterns that I have been living by unconsciously. Sam's patience allowed for mental space during the day and his wisdom helped to assemble the seemingly random pieces into a more coherent whole that I couldn't see for myself. Highly recommended to those who are willing to be open and curious to questions on self-identity, purpose and those who suffer from a feeling of lack of direction in their lives.
