Wandering Days
To be a pilgrim is to be on a path of adventure, to move out of our comfort zones, to let go of our prejudices and preconditioning, to make strides towards the unknown. If we want to tread the pilgrim's path, we need to go beyond ideas of good and evil, and to be dedicated to our quest - to our natural calling. We need to shed not just our unnecessary material possessions but also our burdens of fear, anxiety, doubt and worry; in this way we can find spiritual renewal and enter on the great adventure into the unknown.
(Satish Kumar)
Inspired by the ancient practice of pilgrimage, the Wandering Day is a day-long retreat where I will be your 'soul friend', companioning you as you wander in search of insight.
I will offer various reflective practices, creative exercises and conversational spaces as we explore together, letting the day unfold as it is wanting to unfold. We will walk, talk, sit, ponder, write, pause, draw and whatever else feels right, learning what it means to go with the flow and to stay open to surprise.

You can expect the Wandering Day to involve a fair amount of walking, although this does not have to be the case. If a lot of walking would be difficult for you, for any reason, but you would still like to experience the Wandering Day, please do get in contact and we can work up an accessible alternative together.
I consider my work an art form and charge the artist union rate of £348 for the Wandering Day.
If you are interested, please get in contact at sjdonaldson@hotmail.co.uk
(I am committed to making my work available to all, regardless of ability to pay, so if you are on a lower income, do get in contact and we can arrange something).